Remember & Settle In To Who You Really Are

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Get clarity about what is most important to you.

You will walk away from the purpose session with a better understanding of yourself and what truly brings you fulfillment. You will also have created a statement to help ground in who you are as well as guide you as you make choices about your life. The statement you create will be directly connected to an embodied feeling of purpose — that feeling you get when you’re aligned and living meaningfully.


Hi, I’m Elisabeth. I believe that the place of “who you REALLY are” is a beautiful, powerful, much needed place to operate from.

I sometimes imagine a world where we are all living from this place of who we really truly are and I think it would be a pretty amazing world - kind, accepting, collaborative, meaningful - healed, happy, free.

Purpose can be a mysterious word.

My perspective is that purpose is WHO YOU ARE BEING more so than WHAT YOU ARE DOING. They are not mutually exclusive, but the BEING is the driver & informer of the doing. So let’s get to know that place and live from it. By being our full and complete selves we have so much to offer.


  • 1, 2 hour facilitated life purpose session

  • Worksheet /Homework for Finalizing Your Statement

  • 1, 60 minute follow-up coaching session to finalize statement and determine how you will put it to use


Cost $350.00 US

This process is fun and immediately applicable. Sessions are conducted via video conference which allows me to do this work with people all over the world.


I signed up for a purpose session to identify and reconnect with what motivates me, energizes me, and lets me be in a place of purpose.

I revisit my purpose statement document on days when I’m feeling overwhelmed, cluttered, or chaotic— it helps me remember why I’m doing what I’m doing.

The session will help you clear away the distractions—to-do lists, thoughts, “shoulds”— and live into the things that you care about the most. It cleared my clutter so I could see more clearly.
— Educator - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The process helped me be less confused about who I am and understand what makes me feel the most alive and at peace.

The session helped me consciously think (on a daily basis) about the actions I can take to be my happiest and best self... I definitely think about those things now when I didn’t even attribute their significance to my mental well-being and my level of satisfaction in life beforehand.
— Student & Collegiate Athlete - Chicago, Illinois USA
This process is a very personal one. I loved it. Elisabeth helped me see myself from different points of view that I hadn’t explored before. The insight I got of myself was precious. Thank you for making me open up more to myself. You have this gift of helping people know more about themselves.
— Journalist - Jakarta, Indonesia

Benefits of a purpose statement:

  • To explore what brings meaning to your life

  • To live in alignment with your values

  • To have clarity about who you really are

  • To have a statement to use to quickly ground yourself in stressful situations or times of change

  • To have a tool to anchor you during times of transition or big decisions


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