A Winter Solstice Reflection

The Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) after which the sun / light begin to “return” and the days start to get longer. It’s also the first official day of Winter. For me and many, the transition of seasons is a natural time to celebrate, honor and reflect. And so, I offer you and yours these questions for reflection:


Where in your life, community or world are you currently experiencing light and/or hope?

What are you most proud of in yourself and/or your community as you look back at this year?

If Winter is a time to rest, slow down + be a little more still and quiet —what is one way you will allow yourself “to winter” during these coming months?

Bonus! This one is especially good to implement via group text with family and friends or to infuse some intentionality into your next virtual Zoom gathering:

What object/image/poem/song(anything!) is representing HOPE & LIGHT for you right now?

If your group is via text encourage members to share photos, links etc and if your meeting is a video conference encourage people to bring and show/share/tell with the group.

Enjoy & Happy Wintering!
