
Live & Lead Meaningfully; Aligned with Your Truest Self

As a coach I partner with you to create awareness and new ways of being. Together we create space to reflect deeply on what’s most important to you and how to align your life, work and leadership with your values in ways that are fun, meaningful and effective.

*You* are the expert in your own life. My job isn’t to tell you what to do or to think I know what’s best for you. Rather, my role is to listen, ask deep questions, and create awareness and next steps to get you where you want to be.

I love this modality and consider it such a gift to be with people in this unique, transformative way.

Areas of Focus + Ways We Can Work Together

Coaching in any of these areas provides a thinking and reflection partner to explore your personal values and desires as they relate to your life and/or leadership.  We'll explore and transform limiting beliefs, gain clarity on your priorities and values, connect to your heart, incorporate a Voice Dialogue session (should you choose) and then focus on moving towards your goals, ambitions and joy.

Purpose Statement

Purpose can seem like a big mystery, but in fact whether we realize it or not we have all experienced living our lives on purpose — though maybe not as consistently or intentionally as we would like. Ready to change that?

   1:1 Coaching

For the sustained change you need most right now. Gain awareness & make the shifts that align with your values and will get you the outcomes you most desire.

Leaders & Orgs

Programs + coaching uniquely designed to meet you your team and leadership needs. For young professionals, new managers and seasoned leaders.


On Transitions

A common them in my coaching work is TRANSITION (the internal process associated or prompted by situational changes). Transition can feel ambiguous and uncertain and I love coaching and being with people thru that process: From letting go or moving on from an old situation to the confusing in-between space and learning what it has to offer to ultimately stepping into a new situation. Wherever you find yourself in that transition paradigm I welcome it. 

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Resources For You
